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Cheers to 30 Years!

Cheers to 30 years! – On Thursday, September 30, 2021, over 180 residents and surrounding community members assembled under the Big Top to commemorate Londonderry on the Tred Avon’s 30th anniversary with a lively Cirque du Soliel-themed celebration.

Browse through our collection of memories below.

Cheers to 30 Years: Event photos

Celebrating 30 years banners
located throughout downtown Easton.

30 years lightpost banners


Richard Daspit, Rev. William Blood and Bishop Elliott Sorge Start the Construction of Londonderry

The Community Center As Built
Community Center Ribbon Cutting, July 16, 1994
Winners of First Pumpkin Carving Contest
Phase I Completed
HeartFields and Phase II Cottages Under Construction
New Guardhouse Nearing Completion
Only Kids Could Like It!
State of Affairs as of September 9, 1994 Crosshatching Indicates Buildings Built and Occupied

We had a great celebration for our 30th Anniversary. The lady on stilts was my favorite. She had a beautiful costume. The entire evening was filled with excitement. What a way to honor 30 years!!

Eunice Shearer, Londonderry Resident since 2017