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Dr. Craig Caldwell

Dr. Craig Caldwell

  • Service Branch: United States Navy
  • Service Dates: 1963–1986
  • Rank: Captain

Craig Caldwell CAPT MC USN (ret) was commissioned in the United States Navy under the Ensign 1915 program prior to entering medical school. Following completion of internship he began active duty as a general medical officer at the the Naval Dispensary, Norfolk, VA, followed by assignments at the Naval Hospitals Great Lakes, IL, Philadelphia, PA , USS Amphion (AR-13), USS Guam (LPH-9) and NAS Bermuda. His final assignment was as staff Hematologist/Oncologist at the Naval Regional Medical Center, Portsmouth,VA, retiring in 1986 as Head of the Hematology/Oncology Division, Department of Internal Medicine.
He married his wife Lari, a nurse, while still in medical school who accompanied him as a Navy Wife throughout his career along with two Navy Brats, Alden and Benjamin. In addition to the privilege of serving his country, 23 years of service allowed for retirement pay, access to military facilities such as commissaries and exchanges, and lifelong medical care for himself and Lari.

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