Once a week residents of Londonderry on the Tred Avon in Easton, MD, are being transported
to places across the globe – royal ballrooms, palace courts, Civil War battlefields, the Wild West, Elixabethan England, or ancient Greece or Rome – all through a program called “Joy of Music.” The music appreciation class is being taught by music aficionado Bob Huntington. For the last 11 years, Huntington has provided thematic programs each week, enlightening Londonderry residents about music composers, music genres, and fascinating music facts and figures.
According to Londonderry resident Janet Howie of Easton, a charter member of the class, “My husband loved music and during the transition after he died, this class was like I was coming home. Over the years, I have learned a lot about form and how to listen to a piece of music.”
The class has grown from just a few members to almost 30 participants. Huntington comments, “Music has powerful healing aspects. Once while I was teaching, a stroke victim who couldn’t speak began singing along to a song.”
Huntington goes on to say that music keeps the brain engaged, stimulates memories, and helps with relaxation. Topics of Huntington’s music appreciation class have included Handel’s Messiah, the roots of jazz music, Presidential campaign songs, circus music, ceremonial marches, advertising jingles, and baseball tunes.
Huntington, who initially taught music appreciation to seniors at the Community College of Baltimore, also teaches music appreciation to the Methodist Manor House in Seaford, DE, Symphony Village in Centreville, MD, as well as Bayleigh Chase in Easton, MD. He also teaches music at Tilghman Elementary School, is the artistic director for the Queen Anne’s Chorale, and is serving as the interim Choir Director at Wye Parish in Wye Mills, MD.
Huntington comments, “This is a real gift to the residents and they don’t like to miss a class.”
For information about Londonderry on the Tred Avon, contact Rachel Smith at 410-820-8732 or visit Londonderryonthetredavon.com

Pictured is Bob Huntington teaching “Joy of Music,” a music appreciation class for residents at Londonderry on the Tred Avon in Easton, MD.