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August 2018

How our garden grows

Londonderry Garden update: August 2018
Well, I have some really exciting news for this this afternoon. I know you will shake with happiness when I say the words Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, and Broccoli.

Yes, my friends, the time for planting has come, with fall almost here, and we need to get them in the soil.

Why? We need a bit of variety again in our raised garden this year. Don’t worry about the Early Girl tomatoes. They will stay, along with the rosemary, the thyme, and the bell peppers, and we will return the parsleys.

By the way, the bell peppers are proving to be very popular—with the squirrels. Last week, Susan and I saw a squirrel sneak away from the garden with a big pepper in its mouth. Selfish little rat could have at least stolen a little one. See if you can get to the peppers before he does it again.

And keep coming for the tomatoes. We have lots of them.

– Mr. Andrews