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Dane Brinsfield

Dane Brinsfield

  • Service Branch: United States Army
  • Service Dates: 2010–2014
  • Stationed: Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Growing up in Easton, Dane Brinsfield and his father shared an interest in history, particularly WWII. In fact, Dane’s grandfather had served in WWII. One of Dane’s favorite shows was Band of Brothers which follows the experiences of the 101st Airborne from basic training to its participation in the Western Front of WWII.

Within weeks of graduating from Easton High School in 2010, Dane was off to Army basic training in Ft. Bennington, Georgia. While there, he decided that he wanted to become a paratrooper and was then assigned to Ft. Bragg for the next four years.

As a self-described “ adrenaline junkie”, Dane had no problem completing the three successful jumps he needed to become a certified paratrooper. When he was sent to Iraq for nine months, he trained Iraqi soldiers and became the lead driver maneuvering troops through the desert and the crowded streets of Baghdad while looking out for IEDs and other dangerous situations. Often there were bombardments into the base which cut holes into roofs. Dane noted , “I had to be on my toes the whole time.”

Like the soldiers in Band of Brothers, Dane and his fellow soldiers depended on each other and formed a strong bond. Dane still keeps in touch with two friends who introduced him to country music. He had never liked country music , but now he’s a fan. In addition to the valuable friendships, Dane said his Army experiences taught him to respect different kinds of people and to do his best when given a responsibility.

Dane returned to civilian life in 2014. In 2021 Dane started working for Londonderry as a painter and maintenance technician. He now lives in Easton and loves parenting his young daughter Paisley.

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